
“Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence.” 

– The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

My path with Yoga Practice

I began practising yoga in my forties, despite having no prior background in sports or dance, in an effort to improve my physical well-being.

When I discovered Dharma Yoga, I realised that yoga goes far beyond mere physical exercise. It became a significant support for not only my physical health but also my mental and spiritual growth.

After two years of practising with Dharma Yoga teachers in London, I travelled to New York City to learn directly from Sri Dharma and completed my first teacher training in 2016. Since then, I have never looked back. I am convinced that yoga is a lifelong study, much like my spiritual studies in healing, mediumship, and Zen Buddhism. I believe that all these practices are interconnected and lead back to one ultimate source.

Mika practising asana in Dharma Yoga center in NYC.
yoga text books, Sri Dharma's picture on a table.

What is Dharma Yoga

Dharma Yoga is a system of classical Hatha-Raja Yoga. A devotional practice that emphasises good health, a clear mind and a kind heart.

Dharma Yoga is named in honour of my teacher, Sri Dharma Mittra, a revered yoga master who has dedicated his life to karma yoga—selfless service. Through over fifty years of devoted practice and teaching, he has accumulated profound wisdom, which he generously shares at his school in New York and worldwide, inspiring countless students on their yoga journey.

My Teacher

Sri Dharma Mittra

My teacher, Sri Dharma Mittra, embodies the essence of a true Yogi and spiritual guide. As a Self-Realized being, he imparts the profound wisdom that only through knowledge can we remove all pain and suffering.

With humility, Sri Dharma Mittra attributes no personal credit to the teachings he offers us. He describes his instruction as a contemporary interpretation of the classical Eight-limbed or Hatha-Raja Yoga tradition, passed down to him by his own Guru, Sri Swami Kailashananda, also known as Yogi Gupta. This comprehensive practice encompasses Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises), Kirtan (chanting), Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation), Meditation, and Spiritual Discourse, where we delve into sacred scriptures such as The Bhagavad Gita, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and Self-Knowledge (Atmaboda).

I am profoundly grateful to have crossed paths with such an extraordinary teacher. Sri Dharma Mittra shines as a beacon of light, illuminating the path of service to all beings through his exemplary demonstration of love and compassion.

For more details about Sri Dharma, please visit:

Dharma Yoga Center website

© Joy Santos

Mika receiving a Certificate from Sri Dharma

When you are quiet, you see everything with love.

- Sri Dharma Mittra
Teacher Training

Yoga Qualifications

1000hr & 50hr TT Certificate

Pranayama & Charging Practice sequence I-III & Complete Easy sequence, Pranayama, and Deep relaxation

800hr TT Certificate

Yoga Nidra & Dharma IV sequence

500hr TT Certificate

Dharma II & III sequence

200hr TT Certificate

Dharma Gentle & Dharma I sequence


What My Clients Say

"Mika is a wonderful yoga teacher and healer. Her clear instructions make exercises easy to follow. Both mind and body benefit greatly."
"I strongly recommend this class. This class gives me a sense of being here and now and helps me explore my inner side. This class provides great opportunity for your self care."
"I joined Mika’s yoga group a while ago and we meet on zoom once a week. The classes are general ,but tailored for each student so everyone is individually helped and encouraged. When I was ill Mika sent get well messages and we had a wonderful relaxation session which helped my recovery enormously. To keep flexible, contented and relaxed join one of Mika’s classes!"
Contact Me

Community Class on Every Sunday on Zoom!

Join us every Sunday for a 90-minute yoga session suitable for all levels, featuring Pranayama, gentle Asana, and Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation and healing).

Starts at 10 am. Donation basis.

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